Welcome to the Musical Interlude


KL-TPrelude-Ebook For those of you who don’t know me as an author outside my blogazine, I wanted you to know that I recently revamped and relaunched the series that put me on the bestselling authors list … the Musical Interlude. This begins with a revamped cover for book one: the Prelude. And a kick ass book trailer produced by my production company, the TriGate Group. Take a moment to check the video out and see what I mean. 😀

KL-TCrescendo-AmazonSo what’s the purpose of my babble today? As you know, this blogazine is primarily for inspiration and motivation. My posts aren’t always going to consist of reviewing a product or movie or teaching a new skill. Sometimes we just need to see and hear the little stuff, to know that someone had the guts to walk outside the line. That’s what today’s post is all about.  I self published my way to the top. Now that’s what you call taking a leap of faith, right? Believe it or not, my journey hasn’t been a horror story. You won’t find me ranting and raving at a reviewer who didn’t like my book, or bashing other authors. Nah. Life is too short and people have a right to their own opinions. But I will tell you that my readers have shaped and molded me into the author that I have become. Some of my toughest critics are now my biggest fans. It is to those who put enough faith in me during those first few book sales I had three years ago that I dedicate the success I’ve found today.

KL-AAiVenice-AmazonI’m now fortunate enough to have a team of NYT bestselling editors, graphic designers, photographers, publicists, beta readers, proofreaders, dedicated bloggers and a rockin’ street team called the AOCs (KayLeigh’s Angels of Chaos) who all work together so that only the most professionally polished product makes it into my readers’ hands. Both the Lost Immortals Saga and the Musical Interlude are now Internationally bestselling series. At TriGate Press, we use the same book launch model as the traditional publishers, but with a few exceptions. Our stories are edgy. My heroes and heroines aren’t your typical stereotyped villains and things.  I push boundaries and cross lines that works for the readers, even if that story doesn’t fit into a well-designed box. Everything else becomes superficial.

I think it’s safe to say I’m no longer self-published. Instead, I consider myself reader-published. When someone tells you what you can’t do, then look at them, smile wide and say: “Watch me!”

Don’t just dream … Believe you can do it too.

Everything else will fall into place.

Do not be afraid to walk outside the line.

For more information on KaSonndra Leigh’s books visit: http://www.kasonndraleigh.com