I write because I’m in love and want to show it. Because YOU are in love and might not know it. I write because the world is truly a beautiful place, and the hand of a writer helps to create the perfect showcase. I write because I’m a painter, an artist, a sculptress of words, a toymaker, dressmaker, magician. YES, through my writer’s eyes I can do anything or be anyone my mind decides it wants to be. I write because I’m a gemini, the twins, the bearers of multiple personalities. Most of all I write because I have to, I’m driven, this is my obsession and more. There’s nothing else that allows me to express myself so completely, to explore the many aspects of life, to do what someone once told me I’d NEVER be able to do. Don’t let anyone tell you who you can or cannot be. The only person standing between you and your dream is you!
Live Well Be Fabulous is a lifestyle venture focused on designing your best life through a lifestyle devoted to home decor, fashion, and affordable travel, founded by KaSonndra Leigh.
Please note that Live Well... Be Fabulous sometimes contains affiliate posts, ads, and links. I will receive compensation and/or commission for links that are clicked which helps to support this blog. However, all opinions and product reviews are based on my personal experience.