The Color Wheel… Queen Yellow!

The Color WheelYellow… The color of sunshine and happiness. It’s also the shade that can make or break a home sale. When I think of this week’s color wheel, I get happy even when I’m not in a good mood. For the longest time, I couldn’t understand other folks’ fascination with this color. I am a former Goth girl. I was allergic to all things happy. LoL

However, there’s no denying that yellow has a way of creeping into our lives and affecting it more so than any of the other hues. Unlike its sister hue, gold, yellow is bold without trying to be. She demands attention whether you’re ready for it or not. Almost every other house in my neighborhood contains some shade of yellow on its facade. Seriously, I’m not kidding. Yeah, my terracotta colored house sticks out… but in a good way. 😀

Folks who love the color yellow are unique and have all types of personalities. Yet, the one thing I’ve found yellow fans all have in common is an optimistic view on life. Embracing yellow doesn’t mean you have to jump on some trendy bandwagon. Instead, look at its acceptance as growth. This is the way I choose to view my new-found fascination with this hue. No matter how we feel about yellow, this color will be here long after we’re gone. Queen yellow will still be doing her thing in gardens, on the streets, on houses, and brightening up photos well into the future. Go ahead. Head out today and pick up a yellow vase or a new plant. Be inspired to try something different.

Owl with Yellow Eyes

Yellow doesn’t only represent flowers and bees anymore. It’s everywhere. Don’t believe me? Take a look at this month’s Color Wheel slideshow and see for yourself.

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