25 Random Acts of Kindness
The holidays will soon be here and along with the festivities comes stress and other mood killers tend to find their way into the mix! No worries… LiWBF has some ideas on how you can spread the joy and in return keep yourself motivated and positive right along with everyone else.
Kindness isn’t just a lifestyle choice. Being generous towards others is an obligation, a prerequisite on the karmic wheel of life, a reminder of the humanity inside us all. Think it’s a hard thing to do? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered in this list of ideas. There’s something for everyone on many different levels.
1. Listen to someone who is having a bad day, even if your day has been crappy. Sometimes that’s all a person needs to feel better.
2. Send a happiness email. Or anything positive and uplifting.
3. Volunteer to work a few days at the local shelter. Soup kitchens are always super busy during this time of the year.
4. Compliment your co-worker’s new outfit, especially if he/she is trying out a new trend.
5. Help your elderly neighbors clean their yard.
6. Smile at that difficult coworker, the one who’s always trying to push your buttons no matter what you do. This works. I know.
7. Volunteer to work a conference at the local library. They could always use extra help.
8. Treat a few of your girl/guy friends to a cup of coffee at the local coffeehouse.
9. Volunteer to bring your elderly neighbor his/her mail for a week.
11. Read a great article on your favorite blog(s)? Then leave a comment and let your bloggerly host know just how much you loved the post. They will heart you forever!
12. Run errands for someone who is unable to do so.
13. Donate more than the standard tithe percentage (10% of your weekly paycheck) to the local shelter. Even better. Sign up for a monthly donation. Have the payment autodrafted each month so you don’t forget.
15. Donate to the local animal shelter.
24. Recycle that Starbucks cup. There are bins sitting in the corners to help you out with this. While you’re at it, go ahead and order a second recycling bin, since you already have one at home, right? 😀
Have a Great Karmic Day!
*The post The 25 Random Acts of Kindness first appeared on Live Well…Be Fabulous**
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