Super Cute Holiday Bear Bouquet in 6 Easy Steps Part Two

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Christmas 2015 has arrived and I’m on a roll with the Super Cute series. In this week’s project, we’ll be using a barrel of bears to surround a gorgeously designed bouquet of flowers that can be used anytime during the holiday season.

As with all the super cute projects, we’re going to focus on creating a centerpiece that can be modified by a few simple steps. Let’s get started. All of the items used in this project came from the local dollar store and cost less than 20 bucks altogether. These cute little bears will no doubt show up in future projects. They are just too cute to toss into a bin and be forgotten.

1. You know the drill. Gather your materials. For this bouquet, I chose poinsettias in colors that can be used for the New Year as well. I coordinated the colors of the flowers with the lightest colored one of the three bears I chose.

2. Make a Comfy Home for the Bears – I recycled the blanket of snow I used in the first part of the Super Cute holiday series. You can read about the steps in that tutorial here. Go ahead and cut the stems off the accent plants using a good pair of wire cutters. Use caution in this step. Situate the three bears inside the box. Make them cozy and comfy inside their new home since they’ll be staying here until well after the New Year! 😀



3. Assemble the vase. The dollar store always stocks a great supply of vases. And you can always dress them up or down. Add the glass beads of your choice. I chose Christmas colors, but you can get creative.




4. Assemble the floral arrangement. Start with your focal point plant(s). In this project, the magnolias and golden poinsettias will be the centerpieces of the arrangement. Make sure the focal point plant(s) is the tallest part of the arrangement. The wire inside the stems of the silk plants is sharp. Always use wire cutters instead of scissors. Remove any labels from the silk plants you’ve chosen to use. Situate the plants in your inside the glass bead vase you just created.

5. Add your frillies. The curly ribbon brings a three-dimensional aspect to the project. You could easily replace the Christmas colors with red, black, silver or blue… hues associated with New Year’s Day.

6. Enjoy your arrangement!
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