The Life Survival Checklist & July 2016
Income Report

July sailed by so quickly that I almost missed the boat! Seriously, this is the 2nd day of August. What the heck is going on? Does anyone else feel as though time has sped up? A while back, I read somewhere that time has sped up so maybe the folks who made that observation we’re on to something.
One of the main reasons July passed by so quickly for me was due to the fact that we’ve been super busy with our entrepreneurial endeavors. Straight Up Eve, our new clothing boutique, is alive and thriving. More news on that progress in a bit. We’ve begun making preparations for our upcoming renovation. And I’ve returned to reading, a vital aspect of writing that I’ve created the time to tackle because you can’t have one without the other.
You’ll see that I’ve also added the words “income report” to the title of the July recap. Although I won’t be breaking my income down into specifics just yet (those types of posts are incredibly time-consuming) I did separate the amounts into percentages so you’ll have a visual idea of why embracing the concept of various streams of income is the best way to go when you choose to monetize your blog.
Here we go:
1. Reading – I’m still on a non-fiction roll these days. I’ve enjoyed the fabulously exciting stories of Scandal’s word mistress, Shonda Rhimes, and Nastygal’s founder Sophia Amoruso. Now I’m reading Fearless and Fabulous by Cara Alwill Leyba. The book discusses 10 methods for getting anything you want out of life and it’s recommended reading for anyone who’s struggling with finding their true path. Or even those of us who are redesigning the life we love and are taking a new path through life.
2. Writing – Still working on the last installment of the Lost Immortals Saga. Publication date still TBD. I’m reading through the first two books again and writing
500-1000 words here and there. Slowly but surely my beloved characters from the Lost Immortals Saga are taking my Muse by the hair and shaking the crap up out of her so she can get and stay creative!
3. LOVING – Life in general. Sure, there are days when I think every star in the universe Has aligned against me, but my angel card reading says something totally different. I’ve learned to open myself up to positivity even when I’m feeling negative. That way I reach the place I need to be because I’ve let go of the things holding me down. Hint: smile often!
4. Wearing – A super sexy dress boho style dress and by Band of Gypsies. No worries. Pictures will be coming soon. Update: today I’m editing the photos on this post (fell asleep last night) so I’m wearing a super comfy pair of Free People jeans and a beach ready top by Sand & Surf. The ultimate awesome bloggerly outfit.
5. Enjoying – My 7-day blogging challenge created by Darren Rowse, the awesome Creator behind Problogger. You still have time to join us. So get ready to see a steady stream of awesome content over the next few days. Although I can’t promise there’ll be 7 straight days of content. We’ll see!
6. Preparing for the launch of the subscription box service we’ve worked hard to put together. Think purple! That’s your first hint. LiWBF is going places!
7. Watching – Game of Thrones season 6 for the 20th time, I kid you not. As soon as season 6 hit Vudu’s virtual shelves, I hit the buy now button! I’m also back to watching nature documentaries. As a kid, I used to sit beside my dad’s chair and we would watch all the fun African safari documentaries. Fast forward to what seems a lifetime later and I’m enjoying these same type of shows with my family.

8. Excited about many things as always! We are now in the process of contacting vendors for our subscription boxes. If you’re in the business of artisanal crafts then please contact us through this email address: so we can discuss partnerships and collaborations! Also Fashion Week is right around the corner. I’m not going to be attending any events in the major cities, but I will be covering as many trends, styles and outfit tutorials based on the things we see on the runway as possible. Also, I will be attending Charlotte Seen (the North Carolina version of Fashion Week) in September. This will be my very first press related fashion week job, and I’m super giddy!
9. Mad about – Senseless violence and terrorism happening throughout the world. Haters in general. This blurb doesn’t change much. You won’t find any politically motivated posts here on LiWBF, however, I am a true advocate of spreading love and peace through something as simple as a kind word. I think it’s important to remind folks of the sad state of affairs in the world today and then to spread the word on what to do about these things. Hint: smile big!
Weeds…ugh. The eternal battle with the rose garden wages on. And since I’ve been so busy trying to run all my various ventures (oh, and the 100+ degree days aren’t helping either) I just haven’t had time to remove the oak trees growing along the side of the house or the weird cornstalk looking plants that find a home inside my evergreen beds each year. Sighs. One of my neighbors one told me she thought they were a group of exotic plants designed to go along with the Mediterranean style of my house.
10. Crushing on – Samsung’s upcoming release of the new Galaxy Note 7. The Note 4 was and has always been a beast of a phone so I cannot wait to get my hands on the device the press is already predicting to be the phone of the year!
**Shiny new section**
July, 2016 Income Report
While I’m still not at the same level as some of my blogger friends, I’m definitely making progress in my blogging endeavors and perhaps most importantly, I’m enjoying the things that I do. My goal and dream is to be able to blog and create great stories 24 hours a day!
Here’s the breakdown of Live Well…Be Fabulous’s income by percentages:
Affiliate Income – 5%
Surveys – 5%
Products (Book Sales, Clothing & Floral boutiques) – 60%
Ad Networks – 20%
Sponsored Posts – 10%
Writing Services – (Coming Soon)
Subscription Boxes – (Coming Soon)
That’s All Folks!
What are you up to this month?
All photos with the exception of the Band Of Gyspies image are provided for FREE courtesy of the amazingly talented Viktor Hanacek over at!
Such an interesting post! Great read hun xx
Thanks so much Dominique!