A Fashion Story Join the Band of Gypsies
I hope you’ve enjoyed Live Well… Be Fabulous’s 7-Day Blogging Challenge. So far, we’ve provided 4 straight days of content and counting! WooHoo! This task was part of a get your blogging groove back challenge issued by Darren Rowse of the ProBlogger fame! If you’re not familiar with Darren and the Problogger network, then you should check out his website. He has loads of posts that cover everything from setting up a blog to maintaining your SEO.
This challenge has most definitely revved my muse’s fingers. And today’s segment of A Fashion Story fits right into the lineup. In today’s article, I’m asking you to join the Band of Gypsies. Now, there’s more to that invitation than you probably think, and we’ll get around to explaining in the following paragraph. But first, let’s take care of some fashionable business… This week’s outfit! This dress isn’t available in stores anymore, but I’ve offered some similar beauties from the Band of Gypsies line for you to use as ideas.
Shop the Look…
Gucci Medium Indy Hobo • Gucci • $580
Rag & Bone Distressed Denim Vest • Rag & Bone • $85
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel • Sally Hansen • $9.99
Jill Metallic-Leather Wedge • Michael Kors • $87
Band of Gypsies Floral Maxi Dress • Band of Gypsies • $44.40
Band of Gypsies Floral Print Sheer Maxi Dress • Band of Gypsies • $52
They call me Tweety…
No, seriously. That’s my nickname. Back in the day, I hated it. Now, I’ve come to embrace the significance of the nickname. You see, I was rail thin throughout high school. And I had a big head. My boyish shape probably made my head seem that much larger. Translation… I resembled a little bird. Mom (bless her heart) bought me what I like to call the Tweety Bird hookup outfit one day. We didn’t have tons of money and she was all about the Sears catalog. I had it all. The jacket, jeans, and tee-shirt. Horrors, right? Betcha can now understand why I earned the nickname Tweety. LoL
Today, I can look back on those days and smile. I’ve come into my own personal style and fashionable identity. Although those were some of the most stressful days in my life, the days of Tweety made me into the ambitiously unique fashionista that I’ve come to be today. We live in a world of fashion everything these days! Everybody’s jumping into the game. Fashion bloggers are popping up throughout the blogosphere. It’s a bit hard to find your unique style and stand out. What does one do to be unique when the profiles of about 100 new fashionistas pop up in our Instagram feeds every single day? I know what I did.
I embraced the Tweety in me!
Here are some of the things people say about my style. Unique. Edgy. Sexy. And yes, cute. Haha! At my age, I don’t mind hearing about how cute I look. That’s an accomplishment in itself at this stage of the game. The whole point of being in this online arena is to make your unique mark on the blogosphere. Don’t try to copy everyone else. Do what feels natural to you. I am an author and an entrepreneur. However, I’m obsessed with fashion and have always been for as long as I can remember. I knew that the format of a blogazine was going to be the way to go for me when I sat down and talked to my friend about the concept of a blog called Live Well…Be Fabulous. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this style, the blogazine allows me to embrace all my strengths and talents and to bring them together in one place.
When you embrace the unique individual inside yourself, you bring a sense of authenticity to your blog. I knew that Live Well…Be Fabulous was going to eventually become my one stop spot for all my endeavors. Breaking the niche down into categories and sub categories didn’t come easily for me but eventually I got them right. For that reason, LiWBF’s traffic steadily increases each month and our other branch off endeavors are finally starting to take off. Being a gypsy in today’s crowded blogosphere is a good thing. Trust me. I truly enjoy visiting the bloggerly homes of my friends. And one thing the folks who run the most popular blogs share is a unique sense of identity.
I called this article Join the Band of Gypsies not only because I love this brand of clothing, but also because I’m sending out yet another call for action, a chance to embrace those aspects of both your unique style and personality, the things that make us unique. Stop comparing yourself to blogger A or B. Don’t waste valuable time roving through hundreds of Instagram profiles and wondering why everybody (or so it may seem) has tens of thousands of fans when you still have less than 500. I only have 2500 Instagram followers, yet the engagement on my profile rivals other bloggers with ten times that amount. Why? We’ll, I’m certainly not buying comments. These beautiful folks tell me they enjoy my quirky feed and like that I’ve chosen to do something a bit different. And guess what? I enjoy their feeds too and always try to get on and make sure I let them know.

What are some things you do to define your style?
**Post contains affiliate links**
Amazing photos! Great styling darling! Love your gorgeous dress! Thanks for sharing!
Much love, Len
Thanks my dear, sweet friend! Hugs Kay!
So gorgeous, I just love the print! x
Thanks so much lady! Hugs Kay
Such a Stunning look! You look amazing!
Adi xx
Thanks so much dear Adi!
Hey Hun, You have been missing in action! I’m all for a unique you and you look awesome as usual. Loving your dress and everything. Happy weekend.
Thanks hun. I haven’t been on Instagram as much. I’ve been taking a brief vacay from social media. My vacay officially ends today. LOL. Big hugs to You!