The Life Survival Checklist October, 2016

I’ve been super busy with getting ready for a major renovation (can we say home office/library in the works and Yay!?!?). I’m also working on several business endeavors such as updating StraightUpEve’s inventory and getting ready to pre-launch Mystikaly on November 6th. So I’ve been swamped yet grateful to my Instagram posse for keeping the love going while I’m tweaking my latest business endeavors.
Somehow I skipped the last couple of life survival checklists and I’m not even sure how that happened. You’ve all sent me many notes throughout the years telling me how much these mean to you (which I truly appreciate) and I want to make sure I always keep them up-to-date.
Here we go!
1. Reading – While I’m still on a non-fiction roll, I’ve now returned to the intriguing world of fiction. I found several books on my kindle and dived into some recommendations from friends. The Nightingale by (insert author here) and the Red Tent (insert author) to name a couple. Non fiction works I’m enjoying include Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. Big Magic has been around for a while so there’s no need for me to do a book review. However, I will tell you that Ms. Gilbert’s inspirational tale/advice/magic will both enchant and inform you.
2. Writing – Working on the last installment of the Lost Immortals Saga. Publication date still TBD. I’m also working on several other projects as well. An interracial romance about an unlikely couple who takes a business trip and winds up stranded on an island. These books will be published under my pseudonym Davina Lacey. The Love & Alliances serial will launch in April. Cover reveals and blog tours will begin in February. Stay tuned.
3. LOVING – The return to yoga and running. I’ve found the two exercises balance each other out. Therefore, I try to work both types of exercise into my weekly regimen. I run on the weekends and practice yoga during the weekdays. I love the way yoga stretches my body. Vinyasa yoga also works wonders for flexibility and even endurance, two things runners most definitely need to keep up.
4. Wearing – A gorgeous Free People style dress I found for a steal at the thrift store. However, it’s not any recognizable brand and yet the style works perfectly for a Saturday fashion photo shoot. Pictures will follow soon. Also enjoying my Rocksbox subscription. You can enjoy the Rocksbox It Girl series here.
5. Enjoying – Life. I have found that when you love life, it most definitely loves you back. Always remember that and I promise each day will get better and better.
6. Preparing for the launch of the subscription box service we’ve worked hard to put together. Think purple! That’s your first hint.
7. Watching – The Walking Dead, the Fall starring Jamie Dornan (how about that last episode?). Since the network gurus decided to delay many of my favorite shows this season I’ve had much more time for reading and writing and catching up on watching some of my favorite movies.
8. Excited about the MystikalyBox launch on November 6th. We’ve spent months working on the promo and working out the ads and selecting vendors. To see all of this cone together truly touches my soul as the MystikalyBox is LiWBFs second business venture and first service style company. Stay tuned for news of a Facebook launch party coming soon.
9. Mad about – Weeds…ugh. The eternal battle with the rose garden wages on. And since I’ve been so busy trying to run all my various ventures I just haven’t had time to remove the oak trees growing along the side of the house. However we did remove the weird cornstalk looking plants and cleaned the leaves off the roof and out of the gutters. But the trees still have a great deal of leaves and there’s always so much work to be done during this time of the year.
10. Crushing on – My Galaxy S7 Edge. Unfortunately, I had to give up my Note 7. The dangers associated with the phone and knowing that I can’t carry it with me to Italy next year proved to be too much for me. However, the S7 Edge I bought is both gorgeous and powerful. Plus,the bling it’s wearing (aka hot pink Kate Spade phone case) rocks the house.
October 2016 Income Report
While I’m still not at the same level of compensation as some of my bloggerly friends, I’m definitely making progress in my blogging endeavors and perhaps most importantly, I’m enjoying the things that I do. My goal and dream is to be able to blog and create great stories 24 hours a day! Recently, I finished LiWBFs first official business plan. It took two weeks but in the end I know that having this road map will benefit both my business and most importantly my readers.
Here’s the breakdown of Live Well…Be Fabulous’s income by percentages:
Affiliate Income – 5%
Surveys – 5%
Book Sales – 20%
Products (Clothing & Floral boutiques) – 30%
Ad Networks – 10%
Sponsored Posts – 30%
Writing Services – (Coming soon)
Subscription Boxes – (Coming Soon)
Overall a significant increase over the last report.
That’s All Folks!
Want to learn how to start your own business blog? Does the process seem super overwhelming and you don’t know where to start? I felt lost, confused and hopeless when I started blogging and wish I would’ve known a quarter of the things I know today. Yet, I’ve compiled all my knowledge into a series called the Bloggerly Life. And guess what? It’s 100% free information. Head on over to this tutorial How to Setup A WordPress Blog on Hostgator and get started on creating a life you love today!
**Post contains affiliate links**
I don’t know how you manage to fit so much in, wow! You’re doing a great job and it’s wonderful to read about what you’re up to and all the exciting things you have planned 🙂
Hope you’re having an awesome week 🙂
Away From The Blue Blog
Mica I truly appreciate your support. I’ve had a great week so far and I hope you are too. Hugs and see you soon! 😀