Highlights of March Events… the Lucky Month

Highlights of March Events… the Lucky Month

Highlights of March Events… the Lucky Month Looks like we’ve made it to the third month of 2015. And guess what? This is the lucky month, a time for sharing and celebrating all things green! Woot! LoL Even if you don’t share my enthusiasm of the...
Fashion Friday… French Made. French Kissed

Fashion Friday… French Made. French Kissed

There’s just something about France that intrigues me. Maybe it’s the simplicity in the clothing or the boldness in a stroke of red on a pair of plump lips. Then again, it could be the taste of the cuisine, subtle yet strong. Even glancing at a simple...
Flavorful Southern Cooking Covers Baking Oil

Flavorful Southern Cooking Covers Baking Oil

Oil – A Requirement for Southern Cooking By Contributing Food Expert Shelia King When thinking of traditional southern cooking, one probably envisions images of steaming bacon and a side of grits, or fried chicken and a basket of steak fries sitting on a picnic...