2019 Resolutions…

You Guessed It. Still Not For Me!


Happy New Year Agents of Fabulosity!

2019… The year of great opportunities and big dreams has finally arrived. Live Well Be Fabulous turns five glorious years old on February 4th. Wowza! Thank you so much. However, I like many others around me, feel that this year will bring about even more events and opportunities that are going to change my life. Do you agree?

Getting to this point in the game of life (aka feeling like it’s time to take off and fly) wasn’t an overnight thing. Not at all. I started with a five-year plan that took perseverance, tweaking, and overall consistency to pull off. The agenda included several business ventures that made up the path to building the Live Well Be Fabulous empire.

It has taken me three years to get back to writing this type of post about new year’s resolutions. Specifically, why I don’t make them. Instead of jotting down a list of things I resolve to do at the beginning of each year, I choose to focus on a week of practicing gratitude and reflection.

Say what? How will that help us bust some moves in 2019? Here’s the quick, but not so easy answer. You have to be grateful for what you have before you can fully achieve/receive the things you need the most. Now, this progress falls along the lines of goals, dreams, resolutions, and anything else you’d like to do to improve your life. For an in-depth look at why I believe setting resolutions instead of goals doesn’t work then take a peek at the very first post I wrote back in 2015  and the one after that where I talked about how 2016 resolutions still weren’t for me.

For example, I created a five-year empire building timeline as described in this article and worked consistently on moving forward from there. No, I haven’t achieved everything I set out to do. Yes, some of those goals changed throughout the five-year period. Other ventures failed miserably and some sent me back to the virtual chalkboard. However, I have for the most part maintained a steady plan towards the end goal… financial freedom and livelihood. Yes, they’re both the same. To be financially free means having the ability to live the life of your dreams. The lifestyle involves a new type of mobility and spontaneity that works for both the entrepreneur and even some office workers.

Here’s a breakdown, aka brief two to three word summary of each year in the five-year plan:

2015- Discovery
2016 – Training & Experimentation
2017 – Year of Yes
2018 – Game On
2019 – Fearless & Fierce Progress

Ok, so yeah, 2019 kinda has four words, but I couldn’t really find a way to condense this year’s goal plan. I found a pattern hiding among this timeline of goals. Take a look at it again and you’ll see it too. Let me help a bit by breaking the summaries down by year.

2015 – Goal crushing starts with the big idea(s). You’ve figured out what you want to do and probably even started a blog. Forge ahead without fear. Do it scared. Whatever you need to do to get pumped up and discover the magical power of consistency then please do so. Write out that list of goals and worry about tweaking the plan later.

2016 – Once you’ve found your passion then you’ll need to focus on continual improvement. I didn’t put this step in year one, because discovery mode took a while for me to narrow down. Several big ideas came and went during the discovery phase. Had I started training during that time then it would’ve been a huge waste of money.

2017 – The Year of Yes. This is the title of Scandal and Grey’s Anatomy writer, Shonda Rimes’s, biography. I read the book early on in 2017 and was able to include the suggestions she made in all my dealings throughout the year. Saying yes to things that take us out of the comfort zone is a huge step on the goal crushing list. In fact, I recommend both Year of Yes and Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert to anyone who wishes to make a living from a life of creativity.

2018 – If you’re a Game of Thrones fan like me then the game most definitely wasn’t on. However, the confidence gained from discovering my big idea, finding a mentor and training with her, and learning how to say yes to things that terrified me made up for all that. The game of goal crushing most definitely was on during 2018. Even though 2017 wasn’t filled with as many accomplishments as 2018, I still came out with a renewed vigor. Most of all, I learned something powerful… the power of gratitude for what I’d already managed to do.

2019 – To be determined. This is it! The endgame year. Time to put all that knowledge and creativity to work. Guess what? I’m 100% ready.

And you know something else? If I can accomplish these things while working a full-time job and handling motherhood, then so can you.

Now get on out there and be both fearless and fabulous in 2019!